Common Events
Band Camp
The Marching Band Season kicks off with Band Camp, which typically starts in early August. Students practice the music for the marching show and learn the routines on the field. These are long (and hot!) days that the students look forward to every year.
Students must eat before practice at home (avoid dairy), bring a lunch/dinner, lots of water, sunscreen, hats, etc. During band camp they are also fitted for their marching band uniform. Check your CutTime calendar for band camp dates and times.
The Marching Band practices weekly on Wednesdays (1:30pm-4:30pm) and Fridays (2:30-game time) throughout the Fall Semester until the football season ends.
Football Games
Students stay at EHS on home game days. They practice for a bit, then have a dinner break. Kids should bring food for dinner.
8th Grade Night: The eighth graders visit from EMS (AKA Future Band Members!) one football game to see what it’s like to be a part of the band. They get a shirt, eat dinner with the band, and play in the stands with the EHS Band during the game. Pizza will be provided for both EMS and EHS students.
Alumni Night: One football game a year, alumni are invited to attend the football game and join the band to play in the stands. This is typically done the week of Homecoming (but not always—check CutTime for official date each year).
Away Games: The band attends a few (usually Tavares, Mount Dora, and Umatilla) of the away football games. We have practice after school, and travel by school bus to the away game. The band stays for the entire game, packs up the trailer and then heads back to EHS.
Westport: This is a huge marching band competition in Ocala, usually in October, and typically on a Saturday. Kids will be gone all day.​
Other Events
First Friday: the Jazz Band plays at the Eustis First Friday Street Party in downtown. Usually in December for holiday songs.
Lakeside Jazz Festival: a festival held in April, in Port Orange. There are two stages and each jazz band gets judged on their performance. This is an all day event. Lakeside Jazz Festival website.
MPA (Music Performance Assessment): This where the band plays to get a rating for the year. There are separate MPAs for Marching Band, Jazz Band, and Concert Band and each will receive one of the following ratings. They receive a rating from three different judges. If all three judges give "Superior" it is referred to as "Straight Superiors."
Distinguished (rating for Marching Band only)
If a band receives Superior ratings, they are eligible to go on to State MPA.
Solo and Ensemble: This is an optional enrichment students can be involved in similar to MPA, but assessments for individual solos and small ensembles. Students can sign up to play a solo, a duet, trio, or ensemble (group). Judges rate or score the students based on their performance.
“District”: Another optional enrichment. Kids within our district (which comprises of several counties) can audition to make the District bands. There is a District Concert and District Jazz Band. If an individual makes a band, they get to attend two days of practice (typically Thursday evening, all day Friday, then Saturday morning) with their district band, then perform Saturday afternoon.
“State”: Similar to District, but at the State level.
Jazz Revue: This is a local night of jazz performances, held in the spring, from our EHS and EMS Jazz Bands. There is also typically a guest performance. This musician spends the day before Jazz Revue as a clinician, providing coaching to each of our Eustis bands.
This is also currently MAE's main fundraiser through ticket sales, sponsorships, and donation collections the night of.
Band Lingo
Dinkles: Black band shoes used for marching band. Name comes from the company that makes them.
Dri-fit: The navy ‘dri-fit’ shirt is worn at football games early in the season. Together with the EHS Band (basketball style) Shorts, this makes up the uniform worn when not wearing the marching band uniform.
Bibbers: black overalls that are part of the marching band uniform.
Shako: hat worn during marching season, weather permitting. The plume is the ‘feathers’ on top of the hat.
Section shirts: The various, solid color shirts designated for each section of the band. Members wear these shirts during marching band practice.
FBA: Florida Bandmasters Association
MAE: Music Association of Eustis (AKA the Band Parent Team), a non-profit organization established to help assist the EHS Band Program by providing:
administrative support to the Band Director
fundraising opportunities for students to raise money to go directly toward their band fees
fundraising efforts to help pay for program overhead, instruments, repairs, band trailers, and other needed items to support the day-to-day running of the program
Squirrel Box: This is a blue lock box, mounted on the wall in the office within the Band Room. There is a squirrel figurine on top of the blue box. The Squirrel Box is the place to submit any payments to MAE, as well as where fundraising monies, sponsorship forms, and anything else that needs to reach MAE.
“Autobots…roll out”: The bus is leaving the event; text parents and let them know.