Last Revised September 20, 2017
Article I: Name
This organization shall be known as the Music Association of Eustis, Inc.
Article II: Definitions
Music Association of Eustis, Inc. will herein be referred to as the “Association”.
Board of Directors of the Music Association of Eustis, Inc. will herein be referred to as the
“Board”. -
Eustis High School Band will herein be referred to as the “Band”.
Article III: Purpose
The purpose of the Association shall be to assist the band in developing and maintaining a quality music program at Eustis High School, to provide support, supplies, and funds for the activities, equipment, designated music, uniforms, transportation, instruments, and promotional expenses of the Eustis High School Band, and to create a better liaison between school officials, band officials, band members, parents and supporters of the band. The purposes for which the Association is organized are exclusively charitable and educational within the meaning of Section 501c (3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 or the corresponding provision of any future United States Internal Revenue law.
Article IV: Membership
Section I: Eligibility
Membership in the Association shall be made available without regard to race, color, religion, sex, handicap, national origin, or familial status. Membership shall be open to anyone interested in the progress and development of the Band in accordance with Section II of Article IV.
Section II: Classification of Active Members
Active Members shall be defined as parents or guardians of students who are currently members of the Band, and its alumni. The Principal of Eustis High School or their designee and the Band Director shall be considered Active Members with voting privileges, unless prohibited by law or by School Board Policy. Each active member will receive one (1) vote and must have attended a minimum of one (1) meeting during the prior three (3) months. Honorary memberships and/or voting rights may be extended by unanimous vote of the Executive Board and/or approval of the Band Director.
Section III: Student Members
Any student in good financial standing is considered a member. Students will not have voting rights. A student representative can be selected by the Band Director to attend meetings. A student may give a report from the current students of the band and may also report back to the current students of the band on the topics from the meeting. The selected student may also present the report from the Band Director if the Band Director is absent from the meeting.
Article V: Meetings of the Association
Section I: Regular Meetings of the General Membership
Regular meetings of the general membership of the Association shall be held at a time, date, and place to be determined by the Band Director and the Executive Board. All meetings will be given at least 24 hours public notice via the internet and/or written documentation.
Section II: Annual Election Meeting
The election of Officers for the upcoming school year shall be held during the regular meeting in the month of April (Annual Election Meeting). All meetings will be given at least 24 hours public notice via the internet and/or written documentation.
Section III: Special Meetings
The President, the Executive Board, or the Band Director may call special meetings of the Association. All meetings will be given at least 24 hours public notice via the internet and/or written documentation.
Section IV: Meetings of the Executive Board
Regular or special meetings of the Executive Board shall be held during the school year and/or as determined necessary by the Band Director or President.
Section V: Action without Meeting
No meeting need be held by the Board to take any action required if permitted by law to be taken, provided a quorum is met and the members of the Board individually or collectively consent either electronically or in writing to the action, and these consent or consents are filed with the minutes of the board.
Section VI: Quorum
A quorum present for conducting the business of the Association at any meeting shall consist of not less than one-tenth (1/10) of the voting members of the Association, and a majority vote of those present shall be required to pass any official action of the Association, except for amendments to these Bylaws. In the event that a quorum is not present at a Regular or Special Association meeting, business activities (with the exception of amendments to these Bylaws) may still be passed by a majority vote of those present with the express approval of both a Band Director and the President of the Association (or one of the Co-Vice Presidents acting on his/her behalf) to proceed with the business activities. In the event of a meeting where Bylaws Amendments will be discussed, a quorum may still be established by the above means, however a 2/3 vote of those present will be needed to affect any Bylaws changes (see Article XI). Members not in attendance at a meeting my make their vote by proxy to the Band Director and/or President via internet, or written documentation.
Section VII: Quorum for the Executive Board
A quorum present for conducting business of the Executive Board shall consist of not less than one third (1/3) of the voting members of the Executive Board and a majority vote of those present shall be required on any official action of the Executive Board.
Article VI: Executive Board
There shall be an Executive Board of the Music Association of Eustis, Inc. consisting of the elected Officers of the Association together with the Eustis High School Band Director and the Eustis High School Principal, who shall be ex-officio members of the said Executive Board.
Section I: Responsibilities
The Executive Board shall manage the affairs of said Association, administer policies adopted by the general membership, and be empowered to elect and/or appoint any Officer or Committee Chairperson for the balance of the term of such Officer, should any Officer resign or become unable to serve. The Executive Board shall further cooperate in every respect with the school authorities in the furtherance of the bands and instrumental music program of the school.
Article VII: Association Officers
The Officers of the Association shall at the very least consist of President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Financial Secretary. Additional officer positions may be created or removed, as necessary, by discretion of the Band Director, by proposal of the Executive Board, and approval by the Membership, with veto power of the Band Director.
Section I: Elections
The incoming Officers each year shall be elected, or re-elected, upon approval by the membership at the Annual Election Meeting. To be an Officer the Association, said parent(s) must have been involved in a band program or be knowledgeable of its said functions. The President, in advance of the Annual Election Meeting, for the purpose of proposing nominations of Officers at said meeting, shall appoint a Nomination Committee with the approval of the Band Director. Nominations also may be taken from the floor at said meeting of the Association with veto power of the Band Director. Officers shall take office concurrently for organizational, planning and transitional purposes so that the existing board can finish out the school/fiscal year's end. Officers shall serve for one (1) fiscal year, but may be re-elected from term to term.
Section II: Duty of Outgoing Officers
All outgoing Officers shall turn in all records and materials obtained or kept at the end of their term for proper storage purposes in the Eustis High School band room.
Section III: Duties
The Officers shall carry out the duties assigned to them by the Executive Board and their principal duties shall be:
The President shall preside at all meetings of the Association and, in the absence of the Band Director(s), preside over the meetings of the Executive Board, and shall observe the latest edition of Robert’s Rules of Order on parliamentary procedure in conducting the meetings.
The President and Executive Board shall assist all standing committees as prescribed herein, as well as creating any special committees deemed necessary.
The President shall supervise the activities of the standing and special committees and make periodic reports to the Executive Board on their activities.
The President shall perform all duties assigned to him/her by the Executive Board or Band Director.
Co -Vice President of Uniforms
The Co-Vice President(s) shall perform all the duties of the President in the absence of
the President, assist the President in every way possible in the functions of that office,
and take an active part in the furtherance of the Association. -
The Co-Vice President(s) shall perform all duties assigned to him/her by the President,
Executive Board, or Band Director. -
The Co-Vice President of Uniforms shall coordinate student fittings, order uniforms,
coordinate repairs, assist the Treasurer with the Charms uniform records, and
coordinate with the Band Director on any other uniform needs. -
The Co-Vice President of Uniforms shall perform all duties assigned to him/her by the
President, Executive Board, or Band Director.
Co-Vice President of Chaperones/Volunteers
The Co-Vice President(s) shall perform all the duties of the President in the absence of
the President, assist the President in every way possible in the functions of that office,
and take an active part in the furtherance of the Association. -
The Co-Vice President of Chaperones/Volunteers shall verify that all chaperones and/or volunteers are Level 1 or Level 2 approved volunteers with the Lake County School Board, provide a list of eligible volunteers for all needed events, remind all chaperones and/or volunteers of the upcoming event at least three (3) days before the event, and make any other arrangements the Band Director may need.
The Co-Vice President of Chaperones/Volunteers shall perform all duties assigned to him/her by the President, Executive Board, or Band Director.
Recording Secretary
The Recording Secretary shall keep the minutes, in written or electronic form, of all
Regular, Executive Board, and Special Meetings of the Association. -
The Recording Secretary shall keep written or electronic records of the general
membership as well as standing and special committee memberships. -
The Recording Secretary shall compile and bind all minutes and monthly financial
reports of the Association at the end of each fiscal year. -
The Recording Secretary shall perform other duties as may be assigned to him/her, by
the President, Executive Board, or Band Director.
Corresponding Secretary
The Corresponding Secretary shall handle all correspondence of the Executive Board
and shall notify all Board members of meetings of the Board. -
The Corresponding Secretary shall handle all correspondence of the Association and
shall notify all Association members of meetings of the Association. -
The Corresponding Secretary shall notify the Association members of upcoming
meetings, activities, and special events. -
The Corresponding Secretary shall perform other duties as may be assigned to him/her, by the President, Executive Board, or Band Director.
The Treasurer shall deposit all monies collected by the Association. All monies will be
promptly counted and deposited into the Music Association of Eustis, Inc. banking
account. -
The Treasurer shall maintain and preserve proper records of collections and shall make
a periodical report to the Executive Board and the Association, and shall make an accounting to the Board at each Executive Board meeting, as well as the Association at all regular meetings. -
The Treasurer shall perform such other duties as may be assigned to him/her by the President, Executive Board, or Band Director.
Financial Secretary
The Financial Secretary shall be the disbursing agent for the Association, shall make
disbursement out of monies collected for items approved by the Executive Board, and shall make an accounting to the Board at each Executive Board meeting, as well as the Association at all regular meetings. -
The Financial Secretary shall perform such other duties as may be assigned by the President, Executive Board, or Band Director.
Protocol Officer
The Protocol Officer shall ensure that all bylaws and Robert’s Rules of Order are being followed while the Association conducts business.
The Protocol Office shall perform such other duties as may be assigned by the President, Executive Board, or Band Director.
Ways and Means Officer
The Ways and Means Officer shall schedule, coordinate, design, and implement fundraising programs for the Association with the approval of the Band Director and/or the Association.
The Ways and Means Officer shall be coordinate special band events.
The Ways and Means Officer shall perform such other duties as may be assigned by the President, Executive Board, or Band Director.
Section IV: Removal from Office/Disbandment of Organization
An Officer who is felt to be neglecting the duties of his/her office may be removed from office at the discretion of the Band Director, or by two thirds (2/3) vote of the membership at a regular meeting. Such removal must also have the approval of the Band Director, who shall have veto power to block any removal from office. The Music Association of Eustis, Inc. can be dissolved and disbanded at the Band Director’s discretion.
Article VIII: Expenditures/Debt Limit
Section I: Expenditures
Any expenditure provided for in any Board Approved budget should not require further approval. The Treasurer and President's approval shall be required for any non - budgeted expenditure of less than One Hundred Dollars ($100.00), and Board Approval shall be required for any non-budgeted expenditure in excess of One Hundred Dollars ($100.00).
Section II: Debt Limit
The Officers of this Association shall not by any action indebt this Association at any one transaction unless the transaction is approved by the Band Director, President, and majority vote of the Officers, or if it is an item included in the previously approved budget.
Article IX: Funds and Execution of Checks
No monies or funds of the Association shall be kept in other than a bank approved by the Executive Board. All checks, drafts, and orders for payment of money upon Association funds shall have two Executive Board members’ signatures as approved by the authorized bank signature card. Debit cards can be given to the three (3) authorized signers.
Article X: Budget
An annual budget for the following fiscal year shall be prepared by the Band Director in consultation with the Treasurer and presented to the Board for its approval by the May meeting. The Executive Board may approve any supplemental budget item that may be necessary.
Section I: Fiscal Year
The fiscal year of this Association shall be June 1st through May 31st and shall run concurrent with the term limits of the Officers of the Association/Board.
Article XI: Rules of Order/Order of Business
Section I: Rules of Order
Robert’s Rules of Order shall govern the procedures at all meetings of this Association.
Section II: Order of Business of all Meetings
Call to Order
Approval of Previous Meeting Minutes
Treasurer’s Report
Old Business
Committee Reports
New Business
Band Director’s Report
President’s Report
Good of the Association
Article XII: Standing Committees
The following Standing Committees may be maintained and a report given at each Executive Board and Association meeting. All Standing Committees are required to seek the consent and advice of the Band Director in determining policies. The addition or removal of a standing committee can be done at the discretion of the Band Director, and/or by the President with Executive Board approval.
Nominating Committee
The Nominating Committee shall be appointed by the President, with Executive Board approval including the Band Director, by the regular meeting, which is not less than thirty (30) days before the April elections meeting.
The Nominating Committee Chairperson shall notify the membership in writing prior to the April elections meeting that nominations are being accepted for the following positions: President, Co-Vice President of Uniforms, Co-Vice President of Chaperones/Volunteers, Recording Secretary, Corresponding Secretary, Treasurer, Financial Secretary, Protocol Officer, and Ways and Means Officer.
Alumni Committee
The Chairperson of this committee shall be appointed by the President and/or the Band
Director. -
The Alumni Committee shall maintain Alumni records and registrations and shall
communicate to Alumni in regards to all Band events especially those which would include
Alumni band performances. -
The Alumni Committee shall coordinate with the Co-Vice President of Uniforms in regards
to ordering, dispersing, and maintaining an inventory of Alumni Band T-shirts.
Ways and Means Committee
The Ways and Means Officer shall be the Chairperson of this committee.
The Ways and Means Committee shall schedule, coordinate, design, and implement the
fundraising programs for the Association with the approval of the Band Director and/or the
Association. -
The Ways and Means Committee Shall coordinate of special band events.
The Ways and Means Committee shall act as the hospitality committee as needed.
Article XIII: Special Committees
A special committee can be created or removed by action of the Executive Board, the Association, Band Director, or President.
Article XIV: Working with school authorities and Band Director
One of the principal purposes of this Association as outlined is to work closely with the school authorities in the furtherance of the music programs at Eustis High School. In this connection, it is therefore essential that the Association, the Officers and the Executive Board assist the Band Director, when requested by the Band Director, to develop a program which will be consistent with the best interest of the student. All matters that pertain to the operation of the totality of the Eustis High School Music Program and any/all of its booster clubs must have the approval of the Band Director and that the Band Director holds veto power on all matters as this person is deemed in charge of every aspect of the Eustis High School Music Program by the Lake County School Board of Florida. Also, the President and the Executive Board shall request the presence of school authorities deemed necessary and desirable at all meetings in order to maintain a close working relationship.
Article XV: Lake County School Board Policy Compliance
This Association will be in complete and total compliance with all of the rules and policies of the Lake County School Board. Those rules/policies are as follows:
The Booster organization is under the direction, review, and authority of the Principal of Eustis High School.
The name of the school cannot be the association’s name.
The Eustis High School tax exempt number and certificate cannot be used by booster
clubs/organizations. They must apply for their own. -
A financial plan, or budget, is to be submitted to the Principal at the beginning of each
school year. This is a financial plan of goals, receipts, and expenditures for the current year. -
Each month a reconciliation report, or Treasurer’s report, is to be given for the financial
activity during that month. This should show all transactions, both debits and credits, of the
organization during that time. -
An outside audit, or review by credible party, is mandatory at the end of each school year.
This report is to be given to the Principal before the beginning of the next school year. -
The Principal, or designee, is to be advised on all activities taking place involving the school
and its students. This includes, but is not limited to, fundraisers, solicitation for donations, meetings, contests, travel, practice/camps, etc.
Article XVI: Amendments to these Bylaws
A vote of two thirds (2/3) of the members present at a regular or special meeting of the Association will be required to effect a change in these Bylaws, once a quorum has been established, with veto power of the Band Director. Notice of the nature of the proposed change in the Bylaws must be given to the Membership in written form at least 30 days prior to the scheduled meeting where the Bylaws change will be discussed. For these purposes, emails, regular mail, or written notice supplied at the previous regular Association meeting shall suffice as due notice, provided communication was done at least 30 days prior to the amending meeting.
End Bylaws – September 20, 2017