We wholeheartedly believe that the arts are not an academic luxury, but a necessary part of a well rounded curriculum. It has been well documented that students in music performance scored fifty-seven points higher on the verbal and forty-one points higher on the math section of the SAT than did students with no music participation.
Additionally, there is a positive association of music with lifelong educational attainment and higher income. Nearly nine in ten people with post-graduate degrees participated in music education. Further, eighty-three percent of individuals with incomes $150,000 or more participated in music.
This educational element is critical to giving the children in our community the best chance to succeed in life.
A huge portion of the financial needs of our Eustis Band Program must be raised from supporters like you.
You can support the Eustis Band Program today with a tax-deductible gift through the form below.
Music Association of Eustis, Inc is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization and contributions are tax-deductible.
To process our payments, we use the platform Zeffy, which allows us to collect 100% of your gift. You will have an option to support Zeffy, who incurs the digital charges on our behalf. This is OPTIONAL. You can customize the percentage by selecting "other" to set your amount (which can be "0").

Can't view the form below? Click here.